Imagine waking up the day after Maria and your entire house has been blown away. This is what Carmen and her family have left. Creating some living space underneath where they used to live. Cooking outside with a stove and fridge on loan from a neighbor.
Imagine her delight when three gringos from Georgia show up and enclose the space with a new stove, fridge, kitchen sink, ceiling fan and cabinets!
Her concrete roof was also compromised with water pouring through the light fixtures and seeping through the ceilings in every room. Her bathroom had no working toilet among other things. She was having to run extension cords into the house for power. In a word, Help!
Dirt and loose concrete needing to be removed.
Cleaning the roof to prepare for resealing was a labor intensive job starting with Rick Fields cutting tree limbs off.
Rolling on primer.
Scrapping and pressure washing to remove all dirt and debris.
Finished Product! Whew!
All of her ceilings were like this, but worse.
I wish you could have heard her rejoicing over this. She said I’ve never had a sink like this!
Frank Lewis, Joe Swafford and Shea Futral with Carmen.
Carmen cooked up some wonderful Puerto Rican lunch for the workers each day. Delicious!
The Great grandkids entertained us through the day!