The Mission of GZG is to reach into the “Ground Zero” of people’s lives and apply the Grace of God in its various forms—Kindness, Attention, Comfort, Encouragement, Service, Dignity, Respect, Sweat, Tears, Blood, Affection, Compassion…


We are committed to standing beside our neighbors, in their distress, loss, helplessness and need especially where it involves home repair, modification and maintenance.  Our attention towards three primary groups: 

  • Serving families who have loved ones with special needs or catastrophic illness.
  • Widows and the senior neighbors who are often taken advantage of and have limited resources.
  • Families who find themselves in some crisis with their living situation.

Beyond the financial resources, building materials, and “finished product” that we pray will greatly lighten a family’s load, our greatest hope is that they may see Christ living in us and give glory to God who answers prayer.